This Trust is an independent self-funding body. It does not seek, nor receive financial assistance from any Government, semi-Government or other organisation.
At-need Burial Sites are allocated by the Trust.
Terms of Grants – Burial Grants are issued for a period of 25 years from the day of purchase (unless indicated otherwise on this site).
Extension of Grants
Some Grants may be extended in increments of 5 years up to a maximum of 50 years. These Grants are therefore perpetually renewable at the Grantee’s discretion. The Trust’s Regulations require that before a burial can be placed, a minimum of 10 years must be
current on some Grants.
Authority to Inter/Memorialise
The person/s whose name/s appear/s on the Grant is/are the only person/s who may authorise a burial or any memorialisation on the site for which the Grant is issued. If the deceased
is the Grantee, they may be buried
in the site and the Grant then transferred.
Endorsement of Grants
Grants must be produced for endorsement at the Administration Office for each burial (photo copies are not acceptable).
Lost Grant / License
A replacement will be issued to the Grant holder with a Lost Grant Declaration.
Transfer of Grants
When approved by the Trust.
All enquiries regarding memorialisation should be directed
in the first instance to the Administration Office.

Acceptance Times for Burials
Traditional Sections – Weekday funerals 8.30am – 3.30pm
Lawn Sections – Weekday Funerals 8.30am – 3.45pm
Vault Burials – Weekday Funerals 8.30am – 3.00pm
Saturday Funerals 9am – 11.45pm
Sunday & Public Holiday funerals 9am – 11.15am
Arrivals after specified hours will attract a surcharge.
Oversized Caskets
Digging outside the standard coffin size of 2100mm x 700mm will attract a 50% loading on the burial fee. The maximum size of an acceptable casket is 2180mm x 760mm
Lift and Deepen
With permission from the Cemetery Authority and the Grantee, if 15 years have elapsed since the last burial.
Only with appropriate and legal authority.